Paimon's Sharing Session #8


Did you miss me Travelers!? Paimon has brought you a bunch of new information that she may or may not have stolen from the devs... Hehe



Q1: It would be good if there were daily quests that we could collect from the Adventurers' Guild with increasing difficulty levels.

Paimon: Travelers should get excited for the Adventurers' Guild's special expedition quests. There are also many other quests scattered throughout Teyvat awaiting Travelers!


Q2: Springvale's scenery was really nice in the first beta, but would you be able to add a few NPCs to liven the place up a bit?

Paimon: You will be able to meet all of Springvale's residents very soon, they can't wait to meet you~! ٩(●ᴗ●)۶


Q3: Could you please give us some character quests, to introduce characters' backgrounds and stories?

Paimon: How is it that suddenly all you travelers know what it is that the devs are thinking!? Σ(゚Д゚)


Q4: Any chance of making the material collection system more interesting?(Like only being able to get certain materials from set locations, or by defeating certain monsters)

Paimon: Seems like the devs have their hands full working on something like this already! Make sure to travel lots and whack as many monsters as you can during the next beta to find more surprises!



Q5: Please can we have a Dendro character with Dendro skills!? (Things like poisoning, healing, vine entanglement...) 
And more Dendro elemental reactions! (Like Dendro + Anemo = Swirl (but with poison damage), Dendro + Hydro = Merge (increases poison damage duration) etc.)

Paimon: There is no quenching Traveler's thirst for more elemental reactions! And the devs shall continue marching forward! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ (Okay, more typing on their keyboards than marching but you get the idea!) The Dendro element will come to flourish (Paimon loves puns!) in due time, but we might need to give the devs a little... lot... heaps... more time...


Q6: Will there be any baddies in Mondstadt? Villians, mobsters, anyone bad!?

Paimon: Peace will prevail over Mondstadt as long as the Knights of Favonius stand watch over the city! But who knows what people are planning in the shadows... Keep an eye out Travelers! |ω・`)ノ



Q7: Can you split the quests based on working days and weekends? Make workday quests normal and the weekend quests a bit harder.

Paimon: Huh? What's a "workday"? Paimon doesn't get it... Isn't every day the same, rolling from one into the next as the years go by...? (・`ω´・)


Q8: Do you think you could perhaps make it so that rather than just having info in the material descriptions, you could also include an 'oracle' of sorts in the cities who we can ask about where to find things?

Paimon: The continent of Teyvat is so full of wonder and mystery, and the item descriptions have hints now. Any more info and you'll know exactly where everything is without ever leaving Mondstadt! Where's the fun in that!? _(:з」∠)_


Wow. Mention the weather and the weather will change huh! Not knowing what the weather will do makes going outside so hard! Paimon wants to hide inside her blanket fort and never come out! (〃’▽’〃)

That's all for Paimon's Sharing Session this time~! Remember to follow all of Genshin Impact's social media to see more of your favorite person in the whole world! Paimon! If you ask enough intriguing questions, Paimon might be tempted to leave her blanket fort and check things out for you!