Notice of Price & Display Adjustment in the U.S. for Certain Platforms

Dear Traveler,

In accordance with US market policies, we will be updating the price display of purchasing items related to game and cloud services on the official website's Top-Up Center and PC (including Genshin Impact · Cloud) in the United States on June 3, 2024 00:00 (UTC-4). The item purchase page for U.S. Travelers will then display the base price of the item, as well as the associated taxes and fees.

In the United States, tax collection regulations stipulate that consumers will be charged a certain percentage of sales tax on purchased items, depending on the state or region where you are located. If you would like more information about taxes and fees, please check your local tax regulations or consult your local tax authorities.

If you would like more help, you can contact Customer Service for assistance. The feedback method is as follows: You can send us feedback via the in-game Paimon Menu > Feedback > Send Feedback or contact our Customer Service via: